modifikasi jupiter injeksi-yamaha spark

modifikasi jupiter injeksi-yamaha spark

Wednesday, February 4, 2009 | Tags: ,
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Jupiter MX comes with the injection machine, but only sold in Thailand, sometime indonesian follow ...

In general appearance not much different from the MX-me-there, his body color is mostly dark colored sporty nan. and of course the room is the fuel injection system. 1 tooth it can run for up to 60 km / h lho! Benar2 long. his teeth 2 MX ijeksi afford to bring this up to 80 km / hr, its teeth 3 can be run up to 100 km / hr are its teeth 4 can run nyundul up to 130 km / hour. Crazy!

it is one of the advantages of machine you use space bakarnya injection system, fuel from the fuel with oxygen pengkabutan is diinjeksikan to space so that fuel is not disedot create the optimum engine performance. count the energy so produced is greater even though the volume of a cylinder.

besides, as the system better injection processing of carburettor, fuel gas be used more effectively. especially if the ignition system you are also perfect. Fuel consumption will be more economical, but with greater power output.

indonesian when people enter, I certainly there in Thailand, the price of the MX and the normal injection is sejutaan.

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