Denah Sirkuit LIppo Vilagge Karawaci for GP, F1 and all race

Denah Sirkuit LIppo Vilagge Karawaci for GP, F1 and all race

Monday, March 2, 2009 | Tags:
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Indonesia will host the A1GP series in the fifth schedule to take place 6-8 February 2009 and the year 2009 this is the third time. Circuit Lippo Village is located in Tangerang Banten Karawaci, this circuit will take place on the road Lippo Karawaci city and have a length of 3.2 kilometer track has 12 crook. Area start and finis are in front of the complex, Pelita Harapan University.

Circuit designer is the architect specialist German circuit, the Herman Tilke that reputation is because there is no doubt the design of other circuits, namely, circuit Sepang, Bahrain circuit, and circuit road Valencia.Sirkuit Lippo Karawaci including circuits that have a character so quickly claimed A1GP car speed can go up to 308 km / hour on one side and the track circuit is an average speed of 176 km / hour.

CEO A1GP Asia Pacific, David Claire, say, a contract race in A1GP Karawaci minimum period of five years. He is optimistic, the race will get a big welcome. "Circuit designers intended celebrated. Also Located not far from Jakarta," said Claire.

So skepticism among some lover of the country are racing to be the blueprint circuits are. Tunggu aja our easy-sesukse can easily organize the previous year

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