Fareastgizmos Honda CV-Matic- New Automatic Transmission

Fareastgizmos Honda CV-Matic- New Automatic Transmission

Tuesday, November 17, 2009 | Tags: , ,
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Honda has developed a new automatic transmission, the CV-Matic, which can be used in combination with Cub-style engines. The Honda CV-Matic, features a new cooling system developed on the basis of Honda's small-motorcycle automatic transmission technology, which protects the drive belt from the high temperatures it is subjected to. This enhances the durability of the drive belt and allows for the more compact design with a shorter distance between pulleys. Thanks to this advance, the positioning of the engine does not need to be significantly altered,CV-Matic

This new fully automatic transmission further enhances the practicality and convenience of the Cub-type models that have won fans worldwide, especially in developing countries. The new system will be available with Cub-style scooters to be released in the ASEAN region starting in 2010.

source: fareastgizmos.com

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