Kumpulan Foto Modifikasi Motor Yamaha

Kumpulan Foto Modifikasi Motor Yamaha

Tuesday, January 26, 2010 | Tags:
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Yamaha Nouvo Simple Body Painting ModifyYamaha Nouvo Simple Body Painting Modify

Yamaha Vstar ModificationYamaha Vstar Modification

Yamaha RXZ ModificationYamaha RXZ Modification

Yamaha Mio Look Sportbike ModifyYamaha Mio Look Sportbike Modify

Yamaha Jupiter MX cool ModifyYamaha Jupiter MX cool Modify

Jupiter MX MotogpJupiter MX Motogp

The Motorcycles Pictures above are made by Yamaha motorcycle manufacturer, ranging from scooter yamaha mio, nouvo, yamaha vstar, jupiter mx.

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