Kind Of Streetfighter from Midle Java in 2010

Kind Of Streetfighter from Midle Java in 2010

Sunday, March 7, 2010 | Tags: , ,
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modifikasi streetfighter yamaha scorpiomodifikasi street fighter picture 1

When modifying the motor again invaded the flow of low-rider from skutik various brands, the region west part of Central Java, or so-called West Java Style (WJS) has its own characteristics. Streetfighter is a strong brand that is attached to the blood in the WJS builder with the work amounted to tens and even hundreds of units.

So, who pioneers in WJS streetfighter? Djanuar alias Agus Agus DJ, owner of Design XK arguably WJS streetfighter who pioneered the style typical of the tail stump. Hence, his work inspired many, ranging from 2009 to 2010, and he was obedient to monitor the development of European streetfighter.

In addition to cripple or a pointed tail, another particularity elongation flow is streetfighter wheelbase. This was the latest claim Agus against a white Honda GL 100.

Other WJS virus spreader is Mugi Eling (U'i) from Evolution Custom, Purwokerto. Problem design, his work almost setipe with Agus. The difference, he is more play in the body and distinctive design make diligent. For example the red Yamaha Scorpio.

Besides them, there Siswo Wonoto than Banyumas Wins, based in Paddock. Billy Custom joined jazz, but they are more concentrated with sport style. Finally, there are a Custom Bike Ripto. Honda Tiger shows black Pemalang WJS tastes quite thick. Ripto has the privilege of the plate material processing.

honda tiger streetfighter 2010modifikasi streetfighter pictures 2
honda GL pro streetfighter 2010street fighter pictures 3

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