Body Kit Bahan Dasar Plastik

Body Kit Bahan Dasar Plastik

Saturday, January 24, 2009 | Tags:
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Jakarta - components that are frequently used to modify the application of body kit. The general basic materials used for making a car body kit modifications are still rotating in the area of fiber.

However, it seems now is not the basic fiber material, which is used by the Wijaya Kusuma Xtraproject. They introduced a series of body kit for the modification of the basic material of plastic.

"We also can make the body kit-based fiber, but indeed we are serious introduce plastic body kit of this modification to the lovers in the country," said Supervisor of Marketing Wijaya Kusuma Xtraproject Buyung Sutanto when found detikOto, Wednesday (17/12 / 2008).

The basic plastic material has many advantages compared with the body kit-based fiber. "Because in addition to results pengecatan be more perfect, plastic elasticity also useful to avoid the possibility of broken when hit something," said Buyung.

Various body parts kit can be made by the workshop is located at Jalan Tubagus Angke No. 9, Jelambar, Jakarta. Start from the grill, front bumper, rear bumper, side skirt, to the wing spoiler can easily get in. "The full body kit deh," Buyung tukas.

For the price of any body kit based plastic can be spelled still affordable, that is, the only numbers in the range of Rp 7-10 million.

"When modifikator want high-quality body kit, segitu actual number is equivalent to the quality of later they will get," said Buyung. (Syu / ddn

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