Honda Vario Modified

Honda Vario Modified

Monday, January 5, 2009 | Tags:
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The sector of the Stern continued to rely taste of gold colour, CVT mengunakan the colour gold and velq mengunakan the ring 17 aromas gold, must be known by the aroma gold this will become an epidemic in 2007. Carbon look also continued to be featured with menganti spackboard behind, foot the step & bordes. The Chrome radiance also went along beautified tampilan tromol, standard middle, standard samping, kick the starter etc.. Shock mengunakan the G@zi make the brake thigh mengunakan the make posh. The current poser that was followed by OMC continue to maintained functional, the motor continued to be good to be driven for the use of the daily. Velq mengunakan the ring 17 with the aroma gold piringan adopted cyber work wide that made braking to more pakem, the tube sock was dragged and replaced with the tube beraroma gold in harmony with velq, pig nutmeg adopted NISSIN, the brake hose mengunakan product that was heat-resistant, so as to not sag if the contents of his brake oil experienced the rise in the temperature. Braket palababi for personally from aluminium casted strong and good-looking definitely.

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