Silencer muffler Yoshimura, Shock G @ zi, Palababi Nissin, disc rock smash ori, velq Yoko, Battlax Tires, Full Chrome, Afghan body by OLINK Painting.
Engine matches daily by Alm. TACHI, Full Chrome by Mahameru, screw L Full Ring Posh, Master & Nissin rear brake hose rear brake POSH.elq Yoko, Battlax tires, disc PSM, chrome tube Shock palababi chrome, bolts L ring Posh & brake hose KITACO.Setelah eaten isue 2 Just passing through prohibited roads, the protocol now legendary appear again with new faces. So .... 2 not eaten accidentally isue will not be in production so that the resale valuenya dive sharply to the lowest level, motor jambret only imagine that this usually has a resale value of stable dikisaran 8 - 10 million can now be owned by pocket of 3 - 6 million just for the young year 2000 -- 2005.
The Legend now appear to face a more sweet, friendly liongkungan (pass the emission test EURO 2). Finally lounching pengemar fanatical RX-KING enthusiastic again because the motor is full speed and good dikendarai. Catalityc Converter contained in the exhaust New King did not reduce the performance of the King.
So the following is the RX-KING modifications have been made crew OMC. Minimal but good views and good dikendarai of course, not just for display.
Engine matches daily by Alm. TACHI, Full Chrome by Mahameru, screw L Full Ring Posh, Master & Nissin rear brake hose rear brake POSH.elq Yoko, Battlax tires, disc PSM, chrome tube Shock palababi chrome, bolts L ring Posh & brake hose KITACO.Setelah eaten isue 2 Just passing through prohibited roads, the protocol now legendary appear again with new faces. So .... 2 not eaten accidentally isue will not be in production so that the resale valuenya dive sharply to the lowest level, motor jambret only imagine that this usually has a resale value of stable dikisaran 8 - 10 million can now be owned by pocket of 3 - 6 million just for the young year 2000 -- 2005.

The Legend now appear to face a more sweet, friendly liongkungan (pass the emission test EURO 2). Finally lounching pengemar fanatical RX-KING enthusiastic again because the motor is full speed and good dikendarai. Catalityc Converter contained in the exhaust New King did not reduce the performance of the King.
So the following is the RX-KING modifications have been made crew OMC. Minimal but good views and good dikendarai of course, not just for display.